The Adidas Adizero SL men's running shoes will not disappoint. Be that as a training shoe, a good faster shoe or a gym shoe. The Adizero SL feel stable for a neutral shoe that also features excellent cushioning. They lightweight and feel very nimble and will be a great option for runners, walkers and cross trainers who expect a lot from their footwear, but do not need 'Marshmallow' type cushioning.
The padded tongue and ankle collar provide a very comfortable fit, right out of the box. The Adizero SL midsole stack height is 34mm Heel to 25mm at the forefoot. This is a great design as it feels fun to run in and help your running to feel smooth from heel to toe. The combination of Lightstrike & Lightstrike Pro midsole foam provides a stable cushioning experience that helps your movements feel efficient and not unstable due to oversized midsole cushioning.
Weight - 243g
Offset - Heel 35mm - Forefoot 25mm (10mm drop)